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On Friday the 10th November 2023, Winn Croucher Partners were very pleased to announce the appointments of Linda Ta and Melissa Lee as partners of our firm. Linda and Melissa both joined our firm in 2007. Over the subsequent 16 years they have each developed extensive knowledge and expertise in all areas of accounting and taxation.

Their respective appointments represent important milestones, recognising their integral role in the success of our firm and their consistently valuable contributions to our clients.

We trust you will join us in congratulating Linda and Melissa on their appointments.

Congratulations Melissa and Linda!

Melissa Lee CA

Melissa joined Winn Croucher Partners in 2007 after graduating with double degrees from Macquarie University in Applied Finance and Commerce (Accounting). Melissa qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 2010. She has developed extensive skills in the fields of audit , tax and accounting. Her particular specialties include advice and assistance to small businesses with their compliance and accounting strategies. Away from the office, she enjoys travelling and spending time with friends and family.

Linda Ta CA

Linda joined Winn Croucher Partners in 2007 after completing her Bachelor degree in Business and Commerce at the University of Western Sydney. She subsequently qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 2012. Linda is an experienced ATO negotiator and tax adviser, carefully guiding clients with tax planning and accounting solutions. In her leisure time, Linda enjoys travelling, aiming to travel at least once a year. She also appreciates spending time with her family and taking care of her adorable nieces and nephew.

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